Does Your Business/Storefront Need a Facelift?

First impressions are so very important. What does your business/store front say about your company? Take a close look. When was the last time you did any updates your space?Here are a few ideas for projects that can really transform your space from looking outdated to being modern and new:LOOK AHEAD:Doorways – Exterior and interior doors and doorways are easy was to quickly update your space inside and out. They set the stage for what’s to come as a client walks in your business. Whether you need a new, modern door or could use a new architectural element added to your interior doorways, we can help.Walls – Is your space too boxed in? Removing a wall can open up space. How are your interior walls finished? Could your space benefit by adding a wall inset to display awards, artwork, or company information? Simple solutions by adding wall insets or cutting open panels to see through to the next room can do wonders for a space.LOOK DOWN:Flooring – Not only is flooring an important factor for decreasing noise, but it also offers a large “canvas” to brand your business. We offer customized flooring solutions to any space. We can add a concrete, wood, tile, or carpeting for your floors, to match company colors and style. If you have outdated carpet, a simple and modern solution could be to remove the carpet and opt for stained and polished concrete. Many businesses are using a combination of hard floor and modular carpeting as an inexpensive way to create a modern space that also provides softness, comfort, and noise reduction.LOOK UP:Ceilings – Do you have a drop ceiling or a finished ceiling? Exposed ductwork is a great way to elevate your ceiling height and instantly create a feeling of a larger, lofty and airy space. If you already have exposed ductwork, have you thought about painting it to give a consistent flow from room to room? Are you interested in a space that has an exposed ceiling and you would like it enclosed for a fully finished feel? Vaulted ceilings are a great way to add interior lines of interest and unique flair.Lighting – Lighting sets the tone and feel of exterior and interior areas. In our last blog we spoke in depth about the importance of selecting the right lighting solutions. Choosing the right lighting can decrease energy costs while enhancing the aesthetics of your space.We will be glad to set up an on-site consultation to take a look at the current state of your business/store front and interior. We will examine your space from top to bottom and give suggestions on how we can work together to improve the look and feel of your business site.

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