Thinking Inside the Box - White Box Construction 101

white box build outIf you’ve recently skimmed our blog or website, you may have already seen our guide for navigating the tenant build out process. Today we’d like to introduce the process of white box restoration.

This particular form of construction is for commercial owners who need to quickly attach a new tenant to their property. 90 Degree Construction takes a finished space and restores it to a “white box” minimally furnished interior. The idea being that the next tenant will be presented with a blank space that he or she can convert into virtually anything.The definition of what a “white box” or “vanilla shell” contains may vary slightly depending on the client. In most cases, it consists of very basic heating/cooling, electrical wiring, plumbing, fire suppression/fire alarm system and a concrete slab floor. Though the finished project may seem like the bare minimum, the process required to achieve this state is far from it. All components of the space must be up to code and ready for an interior build out. Additionally, a build out permit and other licenses are required, depending upon the state of the space.90 Degree Construction does the following to manage the process and ensure the client’s needs are met:

  • Help the client satisfy the municipality’s requirements for plan design and permitting – We have a rolodex of reputable architects who hold the proper licenses and knowledge of plan and building code requirements. We’re happy to send referrals to those architects if the client doesn’t have one in mind.
  • Provide a comprehensive estimate broken down into detailed line items – Our thorough estimates provide a framework of all the work that will be conducted during the job. We work hard to bring all hidden costs out into the open and ensure our clients are fully informed and protected.
  • Guarantee a quick turnaround – We specialize in managing critical needs for our customers. White box restoration, in particular, is time critical in nature. We work efficiently to provide quick responses, consistent communication and a fast turnaround, without ever compromising quality.

Have a question or need more information? Visit our Services page for more information.


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